Baby Or Bust is a podcast hosted by fertility doctor and former fertility patient Dr. Lora Shahine. Every week we bust myths, shatter stigma, and provide important facts and encouraging best practices to help anyone struggling with fertility to make their baby dream come true and feel better and stronger about their journey along the way. Baby Or Bust is Produced by Mark Ramsey, Jaime Solis, Greg Moga, and Bray’s Run Productions. Baby Or Bust is a Mark Ramsey Media production.
The Baby or Bust Podcast is a great resource for those looking to start a family.
Baby or Bust is available on major podcast platforms such as Spotify and iTunes.
To dive into this educational and insightful journey, you can easily listen to the Baby or Bust podcast by selecting an episode from Apple Music or by using the Spotify Link provided below. Dr. Shahine, a highly respected reproductive endocrinologist, brings her compassionate expertise to every episode, shedding light on emotional wellness and fertility-related matters. We invite you to join us in exploring this captivating podcast, as it promises to offer a wealth of valuable information and foster a greater understanding of the journey towards parenthood.
I bring a compassionate, informed voice to fertility and wellness conversations.