We will be closed for Labor Day on Monday, September 2, 2024.

Seattle Sperm Bank is your trusted partner and resource when it comes to donor sperm. We are here every step of the way as your journey into parenthood. Explore our blog for topics from preconception to conception with donor sperm.

How to Purchase Your Vials of Donor Sperm

How to Purchase Your Vials of Donor Sperm

  At Seattle Sperm Bank, we work hard to make acquiring your donor sperm as convenient and stress-free as possible. Below, we walk you through the most important steps for purchasing, ordering, and storing the vials of donor sperm you’ll need for your upcoming procedure. Before you order, of course, you must first choose your sperm donor. If you have not yet selected your donor, our online donor search is the best place to get started. If you need assistance selecting a donor, we offer...

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How Fertility Awareness Methods Can Help you Get Pregnant

How Fertility Awareness Methods Can Help you Get Pregnant

Understanding your ovulation cycle is essential when you’re trying to get pregnant. Unless you have a known fertility issue, practicing good fertility awareness can dramatically increase your chance of conceiving. Plus, it’s inexpensive (if not free) and has no negative side effects. It’s one of the safest and most effective ways of improving your fertility. Below is a look at the most effective fertility awareness methods. Whether the method tracks your body temperature, cervical fluid, or...

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Soft Drinks May Decrease Fertility in Women, Study Shows

Soft Drinks May Decrease Fertility in Women, Study Shows

According to an October 17, 2016, presentation at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine congress, there may be a correlation between soft drinks and decreased female fertility. The research was done by nutritionists at the Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, who interviewed 524 women currently undergoing IVF treatment about the foods and drinks they consume. The findings suggest regularly drinking soft drinks may reduce a woman’s chance of getting pregnant. This was true whether...

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How Working with a Midwife Can Help You Conceive Using Donor Sperm

How Working with a Midwife Can Help You Conceive Using Donor Sperm

Using donor insemination to conceive a child is a proven and successful method, but it can involve some stress. Perhaps you’re uncomfortable with the thought of trying to conceive at home by yourself or with just your partner. Or perhaps you’ve tried without success and want to be proactive about exploring other options. Or maybe you’re unsure if you’re using your donor sperm correctly. For these and other reasons, many women and couples choose to work with a midwife to help them conceive...

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How Stress Can Affect Fertility – And What You Can Do About It

How Stress Can Affect Fertility – And What You Can Do About It

  Many factors can affect your fertility including genetics, your age, your weight, various lifestyle choices, and others. But there’s another, often hidden factor you may not have considered: stress. Stress is unique because it’s so hard to control and it affects everyone differently. Yet avoiding stress is virtually impossible for anyone, particularly women actively trying to conceive, which can be stressful enough by itself. Plus, research has linked high stress levels with irregular...

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How We Screen Sperm Donors

How We Screen Sperm Donors

  At Seattle Sperm Bank, we only use sperm samples from carefully screened donors. This helps ensure the health and safety of you and your child should you successfully conceive. Though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has existing regulations for sperm donation, our internal vetting process is even more rigorous. This has been the case since we opened, and we continually look for ways to improve our screening process to better protect you. Becoming a sperm donor is more difficult...

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How to Increase Fertility

How to Increase Fertility

  When you're trying to get pregnant, even minor lifestyle adjustments can have positive effects. Plus, unlike genetics, these are things largely within your control. Following the tips below may increase your fertility and your chances of conception. Be sure to discuss these ideas with your doctor or midwife to create a plan specific to you, your body type, and your ovulation cycle. Watch Your Caffeine Like most lifestyle choices, moderation is key. And that includes caffeine, which many...

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Personalizing Your Donor Search: Why We List Our Sperm Donors by Name

Personalizing Your Donor Search: Why We List Our Sperm Donors by Name

At Seattle Sperm Bank, we name our donors. Why? Because our donors are more than anonymous numbers to us, just as they should be for you. Though you may never meet your donor, it’s important for you to know as much about them as possible. We personalize our donors to help you better connect with them and make a more informed decision. It’s all part of our personalized donor-matching service. To see how this works, visit our online donor tool. Along with the donor names, here you will find...

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Having Trouble Choosing a Sperm Donor? We Can Help!

Having Trouble Choosing a Sperm Donor? We Can Help!

Choosing the right sperm donor is an important decision. But it can be overwhelming, especially since we have hundreds of quality donors to choose from. So a good first question to ask is: What is most important to you? Consider both the physical and psychological characteristics you’d like to see in your child including personality, intelligence, sense of humor, and other intangible traits. Once you consider these things, you can then use one of our many helpful and comprehensive online tools...

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The Benefits of Reserving Enough Donor Sperm

The Benefits of Reserving Enough Donor Sperm

Using a sperm donor to conceive your child is a safe and effective way to start a family. But choosing the right sperm donor takes time. For those just starting the process, learn more about how to choose the right sperm donor. Once you do decide, you want to be sure there are enough donor units to help you successfully conceive. At Seattle Sperm Bank, we only work with donors who commit to donating regularly – at least once per week – so that we have enough available in storage now and in the...

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Welcome to Seattle Sperm Bank! We are the nation’s leading sperm bank, focusing on providing the highest quality Open ID Donors.

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