We will be closed for Labor Day on Monday, September 2, 2024.

Seattle Sperm Bank is your trusted partner and resource when it comes to donor sperm. We are here every step of the way as your journey into parenthood. Explore our blog for topics from preconception to conception with donor sperm.

Donor Sperm Quality

Donor Sperm Quality: The little cells that make a big difference Written by Charles Muller, PhD HCLD Charles Muller, PhD HCLD is Laboratory Director of Male Fertility Lab at the University of Washington and a key member of the Advisory Board for Seattle Sperm Bank. His research is in fertilization, male reproduction, and prostatitis. Customers focus on the attributes of the donor they select, but the quality of the donor’s sperm cells are equally, if not more, important. Every man may have...

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What is CMV?

What is CMV?

Cytomegalovirus, commonly known as CMV, is a virus that most American adults have been exposed to and have developed immunity to. CMV is a member of the herpes virus family which includes cold sores, chicken pox and infectious mononucleosis (mono). In healthy adults and children, CMV can cause mild cold or flu-like symptoms that may last 1-2 weeks. However, if a woman who has never had CMV becomes exposed during pregancy, there is a small risk the child may develop neurologic abnormalities....

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Why Doesn’t ESB-USA Offer A Ben Affleck Look-a-Like Donor?

There are numerous press releases and news reports regarding a competitor sperm bank’s 'Celebrity Look-a-Like' feature. It has been reported that the sperm bank’s #1 demand is for a donor who they claim is a Look-a-Like for the actor Ben Affleck. At Seattle Sperm Bank, we do not claim to have any donors who are Look-a-Likes or clones of Ben Affleck or Keanu Reeves or even Jay Leno. Our donors are terrific men who have made a substantial commitment to help others have a family. They are not a...

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Who Pays for Infertility Treatment?

Who Pays for Infertility Treatment?

Using IVF, artificial insemination and other forms of assisted reproductive technology to conceive can be very expensive. Artificial insemination (ICI or IUI) with the use of donor sperm can cost anywhere from $500 - $1500/cyle or more. The average cost in the United States for IVF appears to be $13,000 - $15,000 per cycle, or more, depending on the type of treatment, testing, and medications needed. As such, it is important to become familiar with the costs of infertility treatment up front...

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What Do I Tell My Child About Sperm Donor 8282?

A recent NY Times article entitled “The Gift of Sperm Donor 8282” tells the story of three single women who, after acquiring sperm from an anonymous donor identified only as Donor 8282, each end up finding mates and getting pregnant – without ever having to use Donor 8282’s sperm. These women will never have to face the issue of what to tell their offspring about the fact of donation. But for many women and couples who do need to rely on donated sperm to get pregnant, the decision about...

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Reglera’s 7th Reproductive Compliance Conference | September 19th-20th

I just finished attending Reglera's 7th Reproductive Compliance Conference in Arlington, VA. Two days of going over FDA regulations, current regulatory trends and case studies; and I can honestly say I thoroughly enjoyed it. Day 1: Living Documents Day 1 began with a welcome and introduction from Reglera president, Clay Anselmo. New to this year's conference was the use of Bluetooth clickers for audience quizzes. Clay utilized them right away to get an understanding of the attendees' knowledge...

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Donor Sperm Quality: The little cells that make a big difference

  Written by Charles Muller, PhD HCLD Charles Muller, PhD HCLD is Laboratory Director of Male Fertility Lab at the University of Washington and a key member of the Advisory Board for Seattle Sperm Bank. His research is in fertilization, male reproduction, and prostatitis.   Customers focus on the attributes of the donor they select, but the quality of the donor's sperm cells are equally, if not more, important. Every man may have different quality sperm, due to natural variation. At Seattle...

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Reproductive Options for Same Sex Couples – Part 3 What to Expect

Written by B. Mulcaster The in-vitro process can be examined as a five part process. The steps are as follows: 1) Prior to IVF 2) Egg retrieval, fertilization 3) Embryo transfer 4) Post embryo transfer 5) Associated risks Prior to IVF Before a couple can begin the in-vitro process in earnest, there are some pre-procedural requirements that must be carried out first. The first requirement is a panel of screening examinations; these screenings are for the purpose of ensuring that the carrier is...

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Reproductive Options for Same Sex Couples – Part 2: Expectations vs. Reality

Written by B. Mulcaster While the first part of this series (Reproductive Options for Same Sex Couples - Part 1: Overview) was meant to provide an overview of the topic and some brief descriptions of each assisted reproductive option a same-sex couple can utilize, the second part will deal with the expectations of prospective same-sex parents versus the reality that same-sex parents pursuing a family may face with regard to issues or obstacles before they can begin in earnest.   Being a...

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Reproductive Options for Same Sex Couples

Written by B. Mulcaster Recent *census polls and resultant data indicate that there are approximately 605,472 same-sex couples in the US (Note - this number only represents the number of same-sex couples against the total number of census participants, it is not an accurate reflection of the number of same-sex couples in the entire country, nor can it account for  intentional non-disclosure by survey participants). Other **statistics illustrate that of those same-sex couples, only 20% have...

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