We will be closed for Labor Day on Monday, September 2, 2024.

Seattle Sperm Bank is your trusted partner and resource when it comes to donor sperm. We are here every step of the way as your journey into parenthood. Explore our blog for topics from preconception to conception with donor sperm.

Should I Look for Sperm on Social Media?

Should I Look for Sperm on Social Media?

Numerous articles, such as a recent piece from BBC News, have been written about women and couples who used social media such as Facebook to purchase donor sperm to have a child. This has led to questions about the safety and effectiveness of this method.  Are There Risks To Buying Sperm From Donors On Social Media? From the perspective of Seattle Sperm Bank and other licensed fertility clinics, there are multiple risks involved with looking for donor sperm using social media. These include: ...

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Documentary Explores the World of Donor-Conceived Siblings

Documentary Explores the World of Donor-Conceived Siblings

For families that include donor-conceived children, even minor events like National Siblings Day or building a family tree for a class project can feel different. But things are starting to change. In recent years, an increasing number of books, movies, and shows have explored the multidimensional and complicated aspects of donor-conceived sibling relationships and non-traditional family building. One recent example is the documentary, Future People: The Family of Donor 5114, which is...

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SSB Opens New Sperm Bank in Bellevue, WA

SSB Opens New Sperm Bank in Bellevue, WA

Seattle Sperm Bank will open a new lab in Bellevue, WA, in early April 2021. This added location will allow us to better serve our clients looking to start or add to their families by meeting the growing demand for donor sperm. SSB, one of the leading fertility clinics in the U.S., also operates sperm donor labs in Phoenix and San Diego. Since 2008, SSB has provided the highest quality, affordable open identity donor vials to clients across the country, backed by exceptional customer service...

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Changing the Narrative Around Black Single Motherhood

Changing the Narrative Around Black Single Motherhood

Single Mom by Choice, or sometimes called SMC or SMBC, is a growing group of people who have decided to go into parenthood without a partner. We have the honor of bringing you a special blog post from Hera, the co-host of The Mocha SMC podcast. Hera is a proud Black single mom by choice to two beautiful and sassy little girls ages two and seven. In addition to being a leader in the technical industry, she is an author, public speaker, civil rights activist, and co-owner and co-host of Mocha...

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Top 5 Questions to Discuss with our Genetic Counselor

Top 5 Questions to Discuss with our Genetic Counselor

Seattle Sperm Bank recently brought a certified genetic counselor on staff to answer all your genetics-related questions. Katherine Hornberger, MS, CGC, our certified genetic counselor previously worked for a top IVF clinic and a genetic testing laboratory. With over five years of experience in reproductive medicine, she is ready to help you find the perfect sperm donor. What is a genetic counselor anyways? A genetic counselor is a medical professional with specialized training in medical...

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Top 5 Reasons to Use a Sperm Bank

Top 5 Reasons to Use a Sperm Bank

Donor sperm that does not come from an FDA-approved sperm bank can put patients at serious risk for infectious disease. Alternative sources can also waste your money and precious time by providing ineffective samples. Furthermore, neither donors nor potential parent(s) are protected from the legal implications associated with tissue donation and parentage, which can open both parties up to major complications in the future. Using a licensed sperm bank is a safe and reliable source for donor...

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How is Donor Sperm Used for Insemination?

How is Donor Sperm Used for Insemination?

Artificial insemination is a safe and effective way to conceive a child if the person planning to carry has no underlying fertility issues. Two common methods include home insemination and intrauterine insemination (IUI). To illustrate how these methods work, let’s first look at what is needed for a successful pregnancy. Let’s start with the basics. To conceive, you need an egg, sperm, a place to meet, and a place for everything to grow. In a traditional method of conception, sperm travel from...

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The Fertility Cycle Guide: Understanding Your Body to Help You Get Pregnant

The Fertility Cycle Guide: Understanding Your Body to Help You Get Pregnant

Most of us don’t think about what our bodies are doing monthly. This changes a bit when we are trying to get pregnant. Why didn’t they go over our fertile window and what a luteal phase is in high school? Considering we are in the middle of a global pandemic, and women are increasingly turning to options like home insemination, it is more important than ever to take the lead on our own health and fertility.  To empower ourselves and better understand what is going on each month, let’s dive...

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Getting started with TTC (Trying to Conceive)

Getting started with TTC (Trying to Conceive)

If you are considering having a child, or are currently trying to conceive, there are two questions you'll want to answer. First, how do I improve my chances of conception? And second, what is with all of these acronyms like TTC, POAS (pee on a stick), FMU (first morning urine), PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise), and others? Understanding your body and its needs during pregnancy is the best way to improve your chances for conception. This begins with getting a full physical exam from your...

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How to Prepare For Pregnancy

How to Prepare For Pregnancy

Pregnancy care and even postpartum care is something that is often in the spotlight, but what about preconception care? For those trying to conceive is there anything that can be done to prepare your body for pregnancy? We reached out to one of our favorite Reproductive Endocrinologists, and an expert in reproductive health, Dr. Ellen Wood, DO, FACOOG from IVFMD to give us a run-down. How far in advance should I start preparing my body to get pregnant? Having a healthy pregnancy should start...

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Welcome to Seattle Sperm Bank! We are the nation’s leading sperm bank, focusing on providing the highest quality Open ID Donors.

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