We will be closed for Labor Day on Monday, September 2, 2024.

Seattle Sperm Bank is your trusted partner and resource when it comes to donor sperm. We are here every step of the way as your journey into parenthood. Explore our blog for topics from preconception to conception with donor sperm.

5 Things to Know Before Choosing Donor Sperm to Conceive

5 Things to Know Before Choosing Donor Sperm to Conceive

Using donor sperm to conceive is a viable and proven option for single women, lesbian couples, and other couples experiencing either male or female infertility issues. Once you decide this is the right method for you, the next step is choosing a sperm bank to partner with. Below are five things to know before you do. Select the Right Sperm Bank for Your Family There are significant differences between the major sperm banks and fertility clinics in the U.S., so it’s wise to research and...

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How to Find Your Ideal Sperm Donor

How to Find Your Ideal Sperm Donor

Once you decide to use donor sperm to conceive, the next step is choosing the right donor. This important process may feel overwhelming at first since there are hundreds of quality donors available. To help put you at ease and give you a place to start, we suggest you begin by thinking about what’s most important to you. Consider the physical and psychological characteristics you value and that you’d like to pass along to your children, including intelligence, sense of humor, and other...

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SSB Connects Brings Families Together

SSB Connects Brings Families Together

At Seattle Sperm Bank, our primary goal is to help you conceive a child and start or add to your family. But our support doesn’t end there. We also offer access to a donor sibling registry, which helps facilitate mutually desired contact between half-siblings who share a common donor. Sibling registries give donor-conceived children the choice to learn more about their backgrounds and family roots. This contact with half-siblings can provide valuable medical and genetic information, satisfy...

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Meet Smith, Our Featured Donor of the Month

  Each month, Seattle Sperm Bank selects an outstanding donor from our catalog to be our Featured Donor. Along with highlighting his physical attributes and character traits, we also offer a special 2 vials for the price of 1 deal for Featured Donors. We choose featured donors based on two factors. The first, which is objective, is whether the donor has enough vials available to qualify for our 2 for 1 offer. The second factor is subjective — we select a donor we think is better than...

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New Discovery May Help Explain Male Infertility

New Discovery May Help Explain Male Infertility

According to a study published in the scientific journal Nature Communications, researchers have made a discovery that changes what we know about how a women’s egg is fertilized. It may also help explain why some men have infertility issues. Scientists have long known that a fertilized egg cell (called a zygote) needed two centrioles from sperm to create a fetus. But it was thought that the sperm had just one centriole, which would then duplicate itself only once it reached the egg. This new...

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Seattle Sperm Bank’s Genetic Testing Methods

Seattle Sperm Bank’s Genetic Testing Methods

The recent news that Chinese scientist He Jiankui has claimed to have created the world’s first genetically edited babies has raised international alarm. Using a gene editing technique called Crispr, the scientist altered the genes of embryos in twin girls before implanting them in the mother, who gave birth in November 2018. Specifically, he altered the genes to be resistant to infection with HIV. So far, no evidence has been offered that the experiment was successful, but it has revived the...

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Meet Tormund, Our Featured Donor of the Month

Each month, Seattle Sperm Bank selects an outstanding man from our catalog to be our Featured Donor. Along with highlighting his physical attributes and character traits, we also offer a special 2 vials for the price of 1 deal for Featured Donors. We choose featured donors based on two factors. The first, which is objective, is whether the donor has enough vials available to qualify for our 2 for 1 offer. The second factor is subjective — we select a donor we think is better than average and...

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How Seattle Sperm Bank Protects Donor Anonymity

How Seattle Sperm Bank Protects Donor Anonymity

Protecting the privacy and anonymity of our sperm donors is extremely important to Seattle Sperm Bank. This includes men who are open identity (or open ID) donors, which is the option SSB strongly encourages, and which most of our donors currently are. Open ID donors agree to have at least one form of contact with any donation-born offspring once the child turns 18. This initial contact is facilitated by SSB, but what happens beyond that first connection is then up to the donor and the adult...

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Plan Ahead – Ship Early!

Seattle Sperm Bank uses the best courier services in the world, and due to our large number of shipments, we receive special handling priorities and the highest level of tracking services. The shared goal between our couriers and us, is to deliver every specimen on time. However, there are unforeseen circumstances, such as weather delays, mechanical failures of airplanes or trucks, and other rare circumstances - that could lead to a delayed delivery. Our couriers on-time delivery is currently...

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How Your Choice of Underwear Affects Sperm Production

How Your Choice of Underwear Affects Sperm Production

  One of the best ways to improve your sperm production is also one of the simplest: keep your testicles cool. And the type of underwear you choose plays a major role in this. Thirty years’ worth of studies has shown that chronically elevated scrotal temperatures can negatively affect sperm production. Now, a recent study highlighted in the journal Human Reproduction offers further proof. Published on August 8, 2018, the study focused on the effects of underwear worn by men on sperm...

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Welcome to Seattle Sperm Bank! We are the nation’s leading sperm bank, focusing on providing the highest quality Open ID Donors.

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