Weekdays: 6:30AM-6PM PST

Saturdays: 9:00AM-3PM PST

M-F: 6:30AM-6PM PT

SAT: 9:00AM-3PM PT


Getting a Vasectomy? Consider Storing Your Sperm First

    A vasectomy is the most reliable form of contraception a man can get. It’s also a common procedure…

7 years ago

How Much Does Donor Sperm Cost?

  It can certainly be overwhelming to understand the costs and procedures associated with selecting, ordering, and shipping your donor…

7 years ago

Reasons to Use a Cryobank

There are many reasons to use a cryobank to freeze and store sperm for future personal use. These include: An…

7 years ago

As the Fertility Industry Grows, So Does the Focus on Donor Quality

The number of women postponing pregnancy until later in life is growing. As a result, many are finding it difficult…

7 years ago

How to Choose a Sperm Bank You Can Trust

  Using a sperm bank is a safe and effective way to conceive a child. Of course, there are many…

7 years ago

Seattle Sperm Bank Introduces New Genetic Testing Search Tool

Seattle Sperm Bank offers the most comprehensive genetic testing of any sperm bank in the world. Our screening process includes…

8 years ago

Recent Studies Show Decline in Sperm Counts in Richer Countries

CNN News,  New Scientist, Human Reproduction Update, and other news outlets are reporting that the sperm counts of men living…

8 years ago

Advanced Genetic Testing Gives You Peace of Mind

Genetic testing is an essential part of selecting healthy sperm donors. That’s why Seattle Sperm Bank offers the most comprehensive genetic…

8 years ago

Why it’s Important to Report Your Pregnancy and the Birth of Your Child

It's finally happened. After all the time and effort of choosing a donor, scheduling your vial deliveries, and exercising plenty…

8 years ago

SURE-CHECK Guarantees You Get the Right Vials Every Time

Choosing a sperm donor takes time, effort, and emotional energy. When you do find the right one, you want to…

8 years ago