Seattle Sperm Bank

SURE-CHECK is Seattle Sperm Bank’s proprietary five-step, double-verified donor identity system.

We understand the time, effort and emotion that go into choosing your sperm donor.   After you have made that decision, we want to give you the highest assurance that the specimens you receive match your donor selection.  SURE-CHECK does just that- it guarantees the chain of custody for sperm donor identification from beginning to end and eliminates the possibility of human error.

Each SSB donor is identified via a fingerprint scan. This allows for automated printing of accurate donor labels and several redundant verification markers; such as the sperm donor’s fingerprint, identification photo and signature. At the time that fingerprint is registered by the software, the person responsible for checking the donor in will confirm their name and date of birth.  No other documentation, labels or donor paperwork enters the donor check-in work-space. The donor identity is confirmed by comparing the donor’s signature and photograph at time of check-in.

SURE-CHECK: How it works

  • At the time of initial identification and check-in, only the required amount of labels are printed; one label for the specimen cup, one label for the Daily Donor Questionnaire (DDQ), and one label for the urine cup (if applicable).
  • As additional labels are required for the transfer of the specimen to a new container, the barcode found on the DDQ is scanned and labels are auto-generated, and printed, for this purpose.
  • These labels are placed on the new container and then verified by two technicians to be correct and accurate. For this purpose, “Verified” is defined as two responsible persons visually inspecting the identifiers on the previous container, the identifiers on the intended new container(s) to ensure a match.
  • This verification is documented on the DDQ with the two responsible persons’ initials and the date and time at which the verification was performed.
  • This process is repeated every time that specimen changes containers.  This double verification is continued to completion when the specimen is transferred to its final location, the cryovial. During this process, only one specimen is allowed in the defined work area at a time.
  • Lastly, we also employ security cameras throughout the lab for additional assurance should any sperm donor identity come into question.
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Purchase An All Access Pass

Get unlimited access to full donor bios, including baby photos, audio interviews, extended profiles, and Keirsey tests.

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