Seattle Sperm Bank’s Medical Refund and Donor Exchange Policies
We are here to help!
Because it is our mission to not only help all those around the world grow their families, but more importantly, to have happy and healthy babies, Seattle Sperm Bank (SSB) understands the need to have a policy regarding Medical Refunds and/or a donor exchange policy for medical reasons.
SSB strongly encourages you to purchase a vial(s) from your selected donor when they have vials available; even if you are still deciding or investigating if the donor is compatible for use for Medical or Genetic reasons. This is because inventory levels are very dynamic and can be depleted during your compatibility review.
Listed below you will find common scenarios and how SSB’s Medical Refund or Donor Exchange policies apply:
- What happens if I buy vial(s) from a donor and after purchase I find out that my genetic test results are not compatible with the donor’s results?
- If you provide your genetic test results to SSB which show that you or the patient that is associated with your purchase are a carrier for the same condition(s) as the donor and your vial(s) has not yet left our facility, we can either provide a full Medical Refund or exchange your purchased vial(s) to a different donor at no cost to you.
- No Medical refunds or Donor Exchanges will be granted if you purchase vial(s) from a donor that was found to be carrier of a condition that you or the patient that is associated with your purchase have not been screened for. This is because the all Donors’ Genetic Test results are available free of charge to review before making a purchase.
- What happens if my doctor wants me to use a different donor?
- If your doctor or medical provider provides SSB with a signed statement detailing the medical reason(s) for donor incompatibility and your vial(s) has not yet left our facility, we can either provide a full Medical Refund or exchange your purchased vial(s) to a different donor at no cost to you.
- Please note that lack of a successful pregnancy does not qualify for Medical Refund or Donor Exchange.
- What happens if the donor I have purchased has a Medical Update for himself or from the offspring born from his donations that would increase the risk to future offspring?
- If the Medical Update for the donor is the discovery of a new autosomal recessive carrier condition, all purchasers of that donor will be notified. A Medical Refund or Donor Exchange will only be offered according to Clause #1 above.
- If the Medical Update for the donor does present an increased risk to future offspring and your vial(s) has not yet left our facility, we can either provide a full Medical Refund or exchange your purchased vial(s) to a different donor at no cost to you.
- If the Medical Update for the donor does present an increased risk to future offspring and your vial(s) has left our facility, we can only provide a Donor Exchange at no cost to you. A Medical Refund is not available after the vial(s) has left our facility.
- What happens if I buy vial(s) from a donor and request supplemental testing, but the donor declines the testing request?
- As long as your vial(s) has not left our facility, we can exchange your purchased vial(s) for a different donor at not cost to you.
- No full refunds will be given in this scenario, but should you not be able to find a suitable donor to switch to, you can utilize our buyback option found HERE
- What happens if I request and pay for supplemental testing for a donor, but decide not to move forward with purchasing vial(s) from that donor for whatever reason (e.g. donor inventory depleted while I was awaiting supplemental results and vials were not purchased in advance, donor supplemental results showed incompatibility, etc.)?
- No refunds are ever given for supplemental testing fees. As we do not collect payment until the donor has confirmed to being willing and available to complete the supplemental testing, the testing will move forward once payment is collected and no refunds are ever offered once fees have been processed.
- What happens if I purchase a donor whose CMV status is not acceptable according to my Medical Provider?
- If the vial(s) have left our facility, we are not able to offer a Medical Refund or a Donor Exchange.
- If the vial(s) have not let our facility, we are only able to offer a Donor Exchange in this scenario. A Medical Refund does not apply as this information is clearly listed on the donor’s listing on the online catalog.
ALL Medical refunds and Donor Exchanges are subject to approval, and all terms and conditions of purchase, including valid storage durations, must be met to be considered. Should you choose to make a purchase of vial(s) for a new donor while your request for Medical Refund or Donor Exchange is still pending, please be aware that should the request not be approved, no discounts or compensation of the new purchase will be honored.
Please also note that all Medical Refunds will be for the total purchase amount of the vial(s) being refunded, minus a 6% restocking fee.
Please email for additional information or if you have any questions.

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